Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Common and The Standard

I’m a guy, and I love girls. I think there’s nothing wrong with that.

It may be the majority of all the sexual orientations. Some may say that it is the considered normal. Everyone should be like them.

Heterosexuals. Well, if you are thinking that you are only attracted to your opposite sex, you have this kind of sexual orientation. There is nothing to talk about much in this sexual orientation, but you are the ones who really need to have much more talk when it comes to LGBT 101. They seem to have many misconceptions on what LGBTs are.

They seem to have the biggest number of people who have some grudge towards people who belong beyond the gender continuum. Some (but not all), seem to feel that they are superior because they are the society’s normal sexual orientation. This is shown in the high number of cases of discrimination not only in schools but also in work place. This leads to some LGBT people to have lost their self-confidence.

Heterosexuals are really normal, though. They do not have anything to argue about. They do not need to feel that they are inferior just to let the people know that they also have their rights.

They are the standards of society. Well, they really need a very a tough job of maintaining it though.

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